For this assignment I had to choose three images from my 36 views project. I then had to paint each image in photoshop using a variety of colors and brushes for the best results. I felt this project to be fairly easy because I love painting and drawing. For me it was easy and quick because I used my IPad and my apple pen to paint the images. For one of the images I had to find something different for the background because I felt the background was too plain. I decided to go with barn doors because that is an area in which you would most likely see a pig.
This painting contained leading lines. For the lines in the image I used spaghetti noodles. I also decided to go ahead and include the pigs shadow to indicate which way the light was shining from.
I had a lot of fun painting this image because I enjoyed trying to include as much of the detail from the spice bottles as I could.
For this image I pulled a picture of barn doors from the internet to help inspire the background. Before the doors the background was just a plain wall.
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